Cooking Lessons at Yijo Restaurant, London

Posted on March 30, 2014


Yijo Restaurant, known for serving BBQ meat (cooked through charcoal BBQ), is currently giving cooking lessons. Chef Jun Pyo, known as JP, gives you some lessons on how to make various kinds of Korean food including the popular side dish, Kimchi.

P1310274Chef Jun Pyo, aka JP, giving lessons on how to make Kimchi while Cindy helps out during the cooking lessons

On Saturday, I was invited to the Yijo Restaurant, near the Fincley Central tube station, London, to learn how to make Kimchi. For me, this is the first time that I make homemade Kimchi. Once we put on our aprons, Chef JP told the students about various kinds of kimchi which are based on districts. We can also make the kimchi on vegetables, seafood, and meat. Each family has their own recipe about making Kimchi. Chef JP taught us how to make Kimchi, Seoul style.

He explained to us about each ingredient that is needed. He taught us how to make the Kimchi paste: starting from boiling the kelp stock with rice flour to mixing all the chopped ingredients into the bowl. He also taught us how to prepare the cabbage which is put with salt in layers after we soak half of the white cabbage in salt water. The final step is putting the Kimchi paste in every single layer of the cabbage. While making the kimchi, I tried a bit of it and it was so delicious. The wonderful taste of kimchi which I made by myself.


Ingredients to make Kimchi – Kimchi Paste – Homemade Kimchi done

After the cooking lesson, Chef JP also mentioned that Kimchi can be cooked as Kimchi Jigae, Kimchi Jeon, and Kimchi Fried Rice. My day ended with a meal not only just Kimchi, but also Kimchi Fried Rice, Bossam, and a few cups of Makgeoli. It was a wonderful experience in learning how to make homemade kimchi. I brought home my homemade kimchi and I will probably have them as my side dish throughout the week. Honestly, making your own kimchi tastes way better than the ones you buy from the supermarkets. I would recommend you to come to the Yijo Restaurant to learn how to make some delicious mouth-watering Korean food by Chef JP. He is funny and lovely guy to chat with. You can ask questions about Korean food.


Bossam – Kimchi – Kimchi Fried Rice

Thank you to Chef JP and Cindy for inviting me over to learn how to make kimchi at their restaurant. The lessons are held every Monday evening (7 – 9pm) and Saturday (3 – 5pm). Only eight people can take part in the cooking lesson. After the lesson, you will be given a recipe as a guideline for you to make your own Korean food at home. Even though it costs £35, but it is worth the money to learn how to make Korean food. You can find more information about the cooking lessons through here. Find more updates through their Facebook and Twitter.

Tags : Cooking,Food,Kimchi,Restaurant,Yijo

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