Tag Archives: Electro-Rock

Interview with Love X Stereo – Project ’37’, LP and UK Tour

Source: Love X Stereo Facebook Page Love X Stereo are starting to share music and content including videos across digital news site and social media to further engage with their fans, both local and international. Not only that, they have …

Love X Stereo Announced Their One Year Project, ’37’

(Source: Love X Stereo) Love X Stereo has recently announced on their social media platforms that they are running an ambitious project this year. Instead of albums, they will be releasing 37 new tracks in one year via Patreon, a crowd-funding website that …

‘Experience’ The Sounds of LudiSTELO

(Source: LudiSTELO Facebook) I came across LudiSTELO through Facebook and bought their album. It was definitely a wonderful treat to listen to their music. With the motive, ‘Play a Star, Play the Earth’, LudiSTELO create their music with their own …

Korean Indie Bands Tours in the US Schedule (Part One)

Rock ‘N’ Roll Radio, Love X Stereo, and Glen Check are ready for the SK14 USA Tour (Source: Rock ‘N’ Roll Radio Facebook Page) This month, the Korean indie bands are heading over to the US to have tours around …